If you are interested in joining this trial, you will need to visit a trial site. A trial doctor will explain the trial to you. If you agree to join, the doctors and other site staff will give you an examination and ask you questions about your TGCT and your medical history to make sure the study is right for you. Read More
During the trial, adult participants will be randomly assigned and you will receive either emactuzumab or a placebo (an identical-looking treatment with no active ingredients). About two-thirds of the adult participants will receive emactuzumab, and about one-third will receive a placebo. Adult participants who are randomised to the placebo arm will have a chance to cross over to the active emactuzumab arm after 6 months from start of initial treatment depending on the clinical situation as defined in the protocol. Neither the participants nor the trial site staff will know who is receiving the trial drug and who is receiving a placebo. Younger participants (under 18 years of age) will all receive emactuzumab.
Trial participants will receive their treatment as an intravenous infusion (through a needle in their vein) once every 2 weeks with a total of 5 administrations for a period of about 10 weeks.
Once you finish treatment, you will have follow-up visits at the trial site. You will visit the trial site monthly at first, then once every 3 months and then twice a year. It is estimated that each person who joins the trial will spend up to 2 years as a participant. If your TGCT gets worse during this time, you may be eligible for additional treatment with emactuzumab.
During follow-up visits, the trial doctors will monitor the size of your tumor using magnetic resonance imaging, also called an MRI. An MRI is a non-invasive scan that allows doctors to measure the size of a tumor. You will provide information about your symptoms and general health.
During follow-up visits, the trial doctors will monitor the size of your tumour using magnetic resonance imaging, also called an MRI. An MRI is a non-invasive scan that allows doctors to measure the size of a tumour. You will provide information about your symptoms and general health. You can choose to leave the trial at any time. The trial doctor or sponsor also has the right to discontinue a participant for safety issues or if the participant no longer meets the trial requirements.